Monday, July 7, 2008

Digital Media

I now process the YA and Juv McNaughtons. I don't read these but I was curious about some of the titles that I have processed. I went on the "Book Talks Quick and Simple" site and listened to a discription of "The Diary of a Wimpy Kid"


Podcasts are revolutionary because of their portability. I was particularly interested in the NPR podcasts. I explored "The Environment Report" and "Gardening with GLT'S Dean of Green.

Sunday, July 6, 2008

My 2.0 Experience

I entered this program with much trepidation. I am not very computer literate and upon viewing the assignments, I was pessimistic about my chances of completing 23 things. Enter Stacy Alesi. I must give her credit because she mentored me and cheered me on. I was exposed to a world on the web that I never knew existed. I enjoyed creating my blog. I will now feel more confident to explore thanks to the Web 2.0 project


Youtube is a good source for watching snippets of relevant news. You can see the election process evolve through the political speeches and rallies posted. On a lighter note, I especially enjoyed watching the Monty Python "Spam" segment. It still brought tears of laughter as it did when I saw it many years ago.

Web 2.0 Awards

I really enjoyed this site. I checked out Zillow and found out that the house next door to me is for sale. I also use Craigslist often. We found furniture for my son when he moved into and apartment in Gainesville

Zoho Writer

I posted an entry about my daughter beginning a new business. One feature of Zoho that I like is that two people can work on an entry simultaneously. This is a very helpful feature.


I posted my favorite movie and vacation spot.

Wikis Rule

wikis allow people to share their knowledge in an easy to use format. Readers can gain insight
into the expertise of a wide pool of participants.

Several of my co-workers at SouthwestCounty created a wiki on Florida authors. If you would like to see what fellow Floridians are writing or you enjoy novels set in the Sunshine State, please check out their wiki.