Monday, July 7, 2008

Digital Media

I now process the YA and Juv McNaughtons. I don't read these but I was curious about some of the titles that I have processed. I went on the "Book Talks Quick and Simple" site and listened to a discription of "The Diary of a Wimpy Kid"


Podcasts are revolutionary because of their portability. I was particularly interested in the NPR podcasts. I explored "The Environment Report" and "Gardening with GLT'S Dean of Green.

Sunday, July 6, 2008

My 2.0 Experience

I entered this program with much trepidation. I am not very computer literate and upon viewing the assignments, I was pessimistic about my chances of completing 23 things. Enter Stacy Alesi. I must give her credit because she mentored me and cheered me on. I was exposed to a world on the web that I never knew existed. I enjoyed creating my blog. I will now feel more confident to explore thanks to the Web 2.0 project


Youtube is a good source for watching snippets of relevant news. You can see the election process evolve through the political speeches and rallies posted. On a lighter note, I especially enjoyed watching the Monty Python "Spam" segment. It still brought tears of laughter as it did when I saw it many years ago.

Web 2.0 Awards

I really enjoyed this site. I checked out Zillow and found out that the house next door to me is for sale. I also use Craigslist often. We found furniture for my son when he moved into and apartment in Gainesville

Zoho Writer

I posted an entry about my daughter beginning a new business. One feature of Zoho that I like is that two people can work on an entry simultaneously. This is a very helpful feature.


I posted my favorite movie and vacation spot.

Wikis Rule

wikis allow people to share their knowledge in an easy to use format. Readers can gain insight
into the expertise of a wide pool of participants.

Several of my co-workers at SouthwestCounty created a wiki on Florida authors. If you would like to see what fellow Floridians are writing or you enjoy novels set in the Sunshine State, please check out their wiki.

Monday, June 23, 2008

2.0 thoughts

It is hard to classify such an amorphous, all encompassing thing as the internet, but the web 2.0 framework provides a good means of seeing how the experience is evolving in content, ease of use, and commercial opportunity. "antiquing"

I am an "antique" junkie. Going antiquing, whether in person or online, is a favorite pastime. I discovered "Curioscape" which listed a wealth of antique sources for me to explore.

Technorati discoveries

My dog Galen was rescued from Puerto Rico. He was found on the beach with hundreds of other starving strays and luckily he made it to Florida. By researching the postings on Technorati, I was able to meet some of the marvelous people who spent their time and money to give these poor animals a chance.

Monday, June 9, 2008

This is the beautiful Williamsburg Bridge that I used to cross every day when I worked in Manhattan.

Sunday, June 8, 2008

Galen's Mom Selects

As Galen's mom, I am always trying to improve my parenting skills. To that end, I signed up for Dog Reader and About Art and design are also passions of mine. I am excited to see that one of the offerings was Art Journal. I enjoy seeing the remarkable talents of current artists.

Galen Connects

My favorite technology tool is the web cam. When my dog misses his brother and sister, I just sign on, use the web cam and Galen can see and hear his favorite buddies.

Blogs and Libraries

Blogs are a great way to share information. Libraries can compare procedures and solutions to problems. There can be an exchange of programming ideas as well.

Galen's Mom Thoughts on the Habits

The habits are a practical set of guidelines to help with motivation and implementation. The most challenging aspect for me would be to have confidence in my ability. At times, I don't give myself credit for what I can achieve.